Everything DiSC Workplace on Catalyst takes the best-selling Everything DiSC Workplace experience to the next level. Designed to build more effective relationships at work, Workplace on Catalyst helps people adapt to others in real-time.

“The results of the assessment were so spot-on! For many they’d never been given a chance to reflect on themselves before; this was a first and it made a profound difference. In addition, the program itself built a framework for engagement. It really allowed team members to connect, to understand the world a bit better—to me, that made the greatest impact of all.”
With this base experience, participants will:

- Discover their DiSC® style
- Deepen their understanding of self and others
- Learn how to build better relationships
- Access real-time tips for more effective interactions with colleagues
- Build the foundation for future social and emotional skills training

“After they get their reports, we ask them to stand if they feel that 85 percent of what the DiSC assessment said about them is accurate. Everyone stands up. Most people continue standing, even when asked if they consider their DiSC profile to be 95 percent accurate.”
Everything DiSC Workplace on Catalyst:

Participants walk through the framework of the DiSC® model and review the Everything DiSC map. They learn about their DiSC styles, then discover and discuss personalized insights.

Participants learn about one another on the Catalyst platform. Working in pairs, participants look each other up on the “Your Colleagues” page. They discuss the impact of their continua results on their relationships and find new ways to work together.

Participants discover their workplace priorities, as well as their motivators and stressors. They see how they compare to people with other styles and consider ways to be more effective at work.

Participants use the DiSC model to better understand the people they work with through video and discussion. They consider how they react to the different DiSC styles and gain insight into their relationship with a colleague based on that person’s DiSC style.

Participants learn how others have bridged their differences using DiSC. To practice building more effective relationships at work, they review tips for working with one colleague based on their DiSC style, and then discuss ways to improve relationships with people of all styles.

“People have a tendency to assume that they know someone’s intentions, potentially misinterpreting them in a negative way. Everything DiSC strips away any notions that people behave with anything but the best intentions. The power of that insight cannot be overstated.”
4. Your DiSC Profile Report

The Your DiSC Profile report is a highly personalized report that provides each learner with a comprehensive result of their Everything DiSC on Catalyst assessment. The report contents depend on what applications the learner has access to within their Everything DiSC on Catalyst experience.
For a learner with the Everything DiSC Workplace on Catalyst base experience, the Your DiSC Profile report includes the following topics:
- Your DiSC Style
- What Drives You
- You and Other Styles
- Build Better Relationships
- Personalized Style Index
The report can be printed from EPIC and used for in-person classroom training in the same way it’s always been used. In addition, learners can also download their reports directly from the Catalyst platform.

“Since I can’t test drive a team, I was really hiring and investing in the tools to maximize its potential. But I also needed to manage risk, and that takes trust—of the team and each other. Without trust, mistakes get buried, projects are delayed, quality declines, and costs go up. Costs to run this job are about $7 million a year, so two years of savings really add up—not to mention the added revenue when we bring the project in early. We are beating industry standards by 20 percent in time to completion and currently 5 percent under budget.”
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