363 FOR LEADERS: Sumo Sushi Bento
“Participants explored their leadership styles through the eyes of their colleagues using 363 for Leaders. Each person received 360-degree feedback from managers, peers, and direct reports. With real world examples of their leadership, managers could see where they were strong and where they could make improvements.
Before going through this process, some leaders would take feedback but not do anything with it. We weren’t getting any alignment or execution. Understanding leadership styles helped people realize their impact in the workplace. Each person created a professional development plan full of ways to grow as leaders.”

MANAGEMENT: First United Bank & Trust
“Within a year of the initial sales training event, First United found other areas where Everything DiSC could make a difference as well. The company incorporated Everything DiSC® Management into an existing coaching and mentoring program—one required for all supervisors—to enhance the critical skills needed to build solid, one-to-one relationships with direct reports as well as up the chain-of-command.”

“In the last six months I’ve seen a dramatic improvement in each manager’s awareness of their own communication style as well as a better understanding of the dynamic within their own teams. They’ve come to better understand others —how they think, their differing personalities, their management approach— and adapted their own communication to best fit the situation.”

SALES: First United Bank & Trust
“Targeting teams and departments with the greatest potential for business growth, the company’s trust and investment officers were the first to experience Everything DiSC® Sales, a customizable DiSC-based tool designed specifically to help them effectively recognize and adapt to their customers’ unique buying styles and, ultimately, deliver better bottom-line results.”

WORK OF LEADERS: First United Bank & Trust
“That first Work of Leaders program was extremely successful. It caught the attention of the executive team who saw such positive results that many became quite bullish on bringing other tools in the Everything DiSC family to all 330 of the company’s employees. In fact, the most exciting development is that we are now reaching across the company using the Everything DiSC Workplace® tool.”

“The program helps emerging leaders understand their strengths and opportunities early in their career. They begin to see the differences in personality styles as well as increase self-awareness, gaining insights needed to lead larger groups effectively. Vision, Alignment, and Execution are the output but the people interaction is the input that is so valuable.”

WORK OF LEADERS: Sumo Sushi Bento
“Participants learned how to lead a team by using the three-step process of crafting a vision, building alignment, and championing execution. They explored how to apply this process to their personal leadership style.”

“Given this opportunity to rewrite what training should look and feel like, based on what we’ve done and how it’s being received, I think we’ve accomplished our goal of delivering a learning experience to most. It’s huge! Participants want more. They want next steps. They want to go deeper and deeper in using this learning.”

“The results of the assessment were so spot-on! For many they’d never been given a chance to reflect on themselves before; this was a first and it made a profound difference. In addition, the program itself built a framework for engagement. It really allowed team members to connect, to understand the world a bit better—to me, that made the greatest impact of all.”

WORKPLACE: Spectrum Health
“Respect is clearly a cornerstone principle. We use [Everything DiSC] to better understand both behavioral differences and similarities. This understanding leads to respect and ultimately more effective teamwork.”

WORKPLACE: UF Health Shands
“Since I can’t test drive a team, I was really hiring and investing in the tools to maximize its potential. But I also needed to manage risk, and that takes trust—of the team and each other. Without trust, mistakes get buried, projects are delayed, quality declines, and costs go up. Costs to run this job are about $7 million a year, so two years of savings really add up—not to mention the added revenue when we bring the project in early. We are beating industry standards by 20 percent in time to completion and currently 5 percent under budget.”