Everything DiSC Workplace® delivers a comprehensive, easily customizable workplace development solution to engage every employee—regardless of title or position, department or function—in building more productive and effective relationships at work.

“Given this opportunity to rewrite what training should look and feel like, based on what we’ve done and how it’s being received, I think we’ve accomplished our goal of delivering a learning experience to most. It’s huge! Participants want more. They want next steps. They want to go deeper and deeper in using this learning.”
Combining facilitated classroom training with online pre-work and follow-up tools, you can create a personalized learning experience to help participants understand and appreciate the different priorities, preferences, and values each individual brings to the workplace, and how they can learn to adapt to the style of others.

Everything DiSC Workplace® is DNV certified as an occupational test tool. It is EFPA compliant and to be used for development purposes.
DISC EFPA Test Review Model 2020 Report
Review Summary 2020 EverythingDiSC Workplace
Program Outline
- This half-day program is composed of three modules, including fully-scripted facilitation, engaging activities, and workplace-focused video.
- Two additional (optional) activities: one for People-Reading and one for Comparison Reports are also included.
- Easily customizable. Switch out video clips. Modify the PowerPoint® presentation (with embedded video), Facilitator’s Guide, and handouts. Add or delete sections to fit any timeframe.
- The facilitation toolkit includes a sample Everything DiSC Workplace Profile and Everything DiSC® Comparison Report.

“After they get their reports, we ask them to stand if they feel that 85 percent of what the DiSC assessment said about them is accurate. Everyone stands up. Most people continue standing, even when asked if they consider their DiSC profile to be 95 percent accurate.”
Skills Taught
- Module 1: Discovering Your DiSC® Style: Participants discover how DiSC styles affect their workplace relationships and explore the priorities that drive them. 90 minutes.
- Module 2: Understanding Other Styles: Participants learn what works for them and what challenges them when working with each DiSC style. 90 minutes.
- Module 3: Building More Effective Relationships: Participants create strategies and an action plan to overcome challenges when working with people of different DiSC styles. 90 minutes.
- Optional Module: People Reading: Participants learn how to identify others’ DiSC styles on behavioral cues.
- Optional Module: Comparison Report: Participants learn about the Everything DiSC® Comparison Report and how it can help them improve their relationships with others.

“The results of the assessment were so spot-on! For many they’d never been given a chance to reflect on themselves before; this was a first and it made a profound difference. In addition, the program itself built a framework for engagement. It really allowed team members to connect, to understand the world a bit better—to me, that made the greatest impact of all.”
Participant Take-Aways
- Discover their own DiSC® style: recognize the priorities, motivators, and stress triggers that shape their workplace experience
- Explore other styles: understand the differences and similarities among the DiSC styles
- Identify strategies to make more meaningful connections with colleagues of various styles and work more effectively to reduce tension, solve problems, and contribute positively to their organizations

“Since I can’t test drive a team, I was really hiring and investing in the tools to maximize its potential. But I also needed to manage risk, and that takes trust—of the team and each other. Without trust, mistakes get buried, projects are delayed, quality declines, and costs go up. Costs to run this job are about $7 million a year, so two years of savings really add up—not to mention the added revenue when we bring the project in early. We are beating industry standards by 20 percent in time to completion and currently 5 percent under budget.”

If you are not familiar with DiSC then click here to see a short (4:19) video introducing you to DiSC and the four different DiSC styles.
Contact us to see if this program would work for your organization.
Program Components

Everything DiSC Workplace® Profile
15 EPIC Credits
- Research-validated, online assessment. 20-page workplace-specific profile report helps learners explore the priorities that drive them and identifies three key strategies—based on individual DiSC profiles—for increasing their effectiveness in working with other styles.
- Easily customizable. Remove or rearrange pages, customize the profile title, or print selected sections. The profile may be used on its own or with the companion facilitation (sold separately).

Everything DiSC Workplace Facilitation Kit
- Leader’s Guide in MS Word (customizable)
- PowerPoint® with embedded video (customizable)
- Stand-alone video (with and without subtitles)
- Participant handouts in MS Word (customizable)
- Sample Everything DiSC Workplace Profile
- Sample Everything DiSC Comparison Report
- Everything DiSC Workplace Style Guides
- Templates and images
- Access to online resources and research
Follow-up Tools

Everything DiSC Comparison Report
Ideal for individual coaching or small group work. Insightful and robust 10-page research-validated reports can be created for any two participants—even people who have taken different Everything DiSC profiles, such as a Manager and a direct report who completed Everything DiSC Workplace. Reports illustrate their similarities and differences, potential roadblocks in working together, and practical tips for improving working relationships between colleagues. Unlimited access with all Everything DiSC profiles.

Everything DiSC® Team View
An at-a-glance view of an unlimited number of respondents and their individual Everything DiSC maps. Unlimited access with all Everything DiSC profiles.

Everything DiSC® Supplement for Facilitators
In-depth data on an individual’s Everything DiSC assessment to help facilitate a richer discussion about the participant’s DiSC style, including unexpected items. Unlimited access with all Everything DiSC profiles (excluding Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders).

Everything DiSC® Facilitator Report
25 EPIC Credits
Ideal for pre-session planning to help craft strategies for working with specific groups and individuals. A composite of a group’s DiSC styles, including the names and styles of each participant, and graphics that illustrate at a glance the distribution of styles within the group and suggest ways to customize the delivery of the material or plan for breakout sessions to get the most out of the program. Sold separately.

Everything DiSC® Group Culture Report
25 EPIC Credits
Examines the DiSC culture of a group, exploring the advantages and disadvantages of each style, its influence on decision.

Everything DiSC Workplace Style Guides
$18 (set of 25)
Style Guides are job aids that support the Everything DiSC Workplace training. Participants create their own Everything DiSC Map, indicating their DiSC® style, and list specific ways they prefer to be communicated with. These guides are designed to be used with the Everything DiSC Workplace Facilitation Kit and Everything DiSC Workplace Profile; sold separately.

Everything DiSC Workplace® Interaction Guides
$24 (set of 25)
Featuring the Everything DiSC Map and tips for working with each style, these guides support Everything DiSC training. Use them with the Everything DiSC Facilitation Kits and Everything DiSC Profiles; sold separately.
Additional Material

About Everything DiSC: Theory and Research
DiSC has a long-standing history rooted in psychology and research. Since the 1920s, the DiSC model has evolved and expanded into a multi-faceted learning solution designed to deliver personalized insights that foster engagement and collaboration in today’s ever-changing workplace. Take a journey back in time and learn about the landmark events that have helped shape what Everything DiSC is today.

The purpose of this report is to provide the validity research for the Everything DiSC® assessment and profiles. Section 1 includes background and research on the assessment, specifically on the Everything DiSC assessment, the DiSC® scales that are derived from this information, and the circumplex representation of the model. Sections 2-5 provide research on the application-specific models used in Everything DiSC Management, Everything DiSC Sales, Everything DiSC Workplace®, and Everything DiSC Productive Conflict. Section 6 provides the research for the 18 additional scales in Everything DiSC Work of Leaders®. Section 7 provides the research for the Everything DiSC Comparison Report. The Appendices contain more detailed information on the Everything DiSC assessment research.
Contact us to see if this program would work for your organization. We can answer questions about the options available with the program and how it could be customized to meet your needs.