Upon successful completion of the exam, you will earn the credential of Everything DiSC Certified Practitioner, signaling proven competence in shaping an engaged, collaborative, and high-performing culture—knowledgeable in the language of DiSC.

Everything DiSC® now offers SHRM credential-holders the opportunity to earn 20 professional development credits (PDCs) from the Society for Human Resource Management when they complete the Everything DiSC Certification.
Course Overview
The Everything DiSC® Certification course is a two-week immersive experience that includes five self-directed online learning modules and four virtual, instructor-led sessions. This blended approach immerses participants in an active learning process that ensures immediate, real-world application. During this two-week, virtual learning experience, you will:
- Deepen your understanding of the DiSC model, theory, research, and key principles.
- Learn to build custom solutions using the Everything DiSC® on Catalyst™ experience.
- Familiarize yourself with the full Everything DiSC application suite.
- Practice facilitation techniques while receiving feedback in a safe environment.
- Gain access to Wiley’s online training center, connecting you to course content and your peers.
Course Structure

If you want to enroll in an online certification class, or if you have questions then please contact us.