The Five Behaviors® is a unique learning experience that prepares individuals for success in teams. The New York Times best-selling author Patrick Lencioni and the power of industry-leading workplace assessment tools come together in a breakthrough program proven to deliver business results. The program helps teams understand how they score on the key components of The Five Behaviors model: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. Individual team members learn about their own personality style and the styles of their team members and how their style contributes to the team’s overall success.
Virtual Teams Everywhere Are Being Challenged.
Now there’s a new solution.
In order to adapt to the needs of today, we have developed a new Five Behaviors learning experience that can be completed virtually. The Five Behaviors for Virtual Teams is modular so that it can be completed in a single online session or in multiple online sessions. Currently it covers the Trust and Conflict components of the The Five Behaviors model. It will be expanded to cover Commitment, Accountability, and Results at a later date.
Check out what Paula R, a recent attendee of our virtual training session, had to say about her online experience!
“You did an exceptional job facilitating in a virtual setting. It can be difficult for even the most seasoned professionals and you have definitely mastered the new reality of facilitation.” – Paula R.
Who Is The Five Behaviors for Virtual Teams Intended for?
- For anyone who collaborates virtually
- Suitable for a non-intact team
- The experience is enriched if a team experiences it together
- Works as an introductory experience to The Five Behaviors or as a follow-up to other Five Behaviors training

Each participant will start by completing the Five Behaviors Personal Development assessment to better understand their strengths and challenges within the Five Behaviors model for teamwork.

The customizable facilitation guide is for a 90 minute session but can be configured to suit your specific needs.
This training experience provides a compelling learning experience that addresses the current reality/need: to help learners collaborate virtually. You can leverage The Five Behaviors® to strengthen and support your teams—no matter where they are.
Have questions or want to arrange training? Contact us